'For the safety for passengers, we have to stop flights out of the airport temporarily until the situation returns to normal,'he said in a statement, according to the AP. 据美联社报导,普拉苏塔农发表声明称,为了乘客的安全,我们只能暂时取消所有出港航班,等待情况恢复正常。
Also, air-monitoring results across the country remain normal, the statement said. 同时声明称,全国空气监测结果保持正常。
The mistake is a normal and general phenomenon in the learning process, "classroom learning mistake" means incorrect idea or statement produced by students among the learning process under circumstance of the teacher-student interaction in classroom; 错误是学习过程中正常而普遍的现象,错误可以并且应该成为教学资源。课堂学习错误是指在课堂师生互动情境下学生学习过程中所产生的不正确的想法或说法;
In order to bring poetry to normal life, Yu Jian also selects the colloquial statement of the poem, so that poetry and life become the same configuration. 为了在诗歌中淋漓尽致地展现这种生活常态,于坚还选择了口语化的诗性言说,以使诗歌与人的生命同构。